Inventory Optimization

GAINS Inventory Optimization Software: Right-size inventory to free working capital.

Unlock higher-quality, more timely insights that consider a comprehensive set of cost, supplier, demand, and lead-time variabilities to reduce your inventory investment.

Inventory Optimization

Every SKU matters.

Determine optimal stocking level for every SKU by location.
Our inventory optimization tool uses sophisticated analytics to achieve optimal service levels by embracing variability in demand forecasts, lead times, supply yields and ordering cycles — resulting in fewer lost sales and stockouts while maximizing profits.
Identify the ideal service level for each item according to your business strategy.
The solution helps you evaluate and select the best service level target for each SKU based on your business objective or the KPI you’re aiming to achieve, such as minimizing total cost, minimizing inventory carried, maximizing profit, achieving targeted turns, etc.
Maximize supply chain performance.
GAINS helps you manage variability and uncertain demand with multi-echelon inventory optimization (MEIO) to cost-effectively right-size your inventory and manage risk.

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Core Features: what’s included

Inventory policy optimization

Precisely achieve targeted service levels by comprehensively managing sources of variability.

Service level optimization

Automatically determine service levels uniquely for each item to achieve an aggregate target while achieving the business objective.

Multi-echelon stocking policies

Determine whether or not to stock an item and at what service level, solving for interdependencies within a BOM or distribution network.

Automated multi-echelon modeling

Dynamically determine the profit-optimal stocking strategy for each SKU in the BOM.


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